Saturday 5 March 2016

A Lot Like Love Full Movie Download

On a flight from Los Angeles to New York, Oliver and Emily make a connection, only to decide that they are poorly suited to be together.

Director: Nigel Cole

Writer: Colin Patrick Lynch

Stars: Ashton Kutcher, Amanda Peet, Taryn Manning 

While flying from Los Angeles to New York, the "good boy" Oliver Martin meets the "bad girl" Emily Friehl and they have sex in the restroom. They stay together along the day in New York, when Oliver discloses the planning of his life - his future career, successful job and then raising a family. He gives the phone number of his mother to Emily and asks her to call six years later to check. For seven years, they occasionally meet each other, and in the end, their relationship becomes love.

A Lot Like Love Movie Reviews

From the majority of other comments written about this film, it would seem that there are a lot of bitter, cynical people out there.

I watched this film last night with my wife and we both loved it - we laughed a lot, and thought the 2 main characters perfectly complimented each other - their chemistry was wonderful and utterly endearing, and you actually gave a sh*t about what happened to them.

Maybe I'm a sucker for a good romantic comedy, but I'm astounded by the negative comments posted on this site. Some posts criticise the dialogue, but, well, isn't that just how people actually speak? I generally do not give out lengthy monologues re: my emotional state, and can appreciate a movie that deals in real language. It doesn't make the film any less appealing or worthwhile.

Go and see it with an open mind and, if you have a heart, then you'll love it.

A Cinderella Story Full Movie Download

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Sam Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

Director: Mark Rosman

Writer: Leigh Dunlap

Stars: Hilary Duff, Chad Michael Murray, Jennifer Coolidge


Samantha or "Sam", has a rough childhood with her father dying in an earthquake and a new stepmother with two awful stepdaughters. But on the bright side, Sam has an awesome best friend named Carter and an email relationship with a guy named Nomad. One day, Sam gets an email from her Nomad saying that he wants to meet her in the middle of the dance floor at their high school Halloween dance. She accepts the invitation and glides into the room wearing the best outfit ever! Her Nomad takes her outside where they share a romantic dance together and Sam realizes that her email friend is the most popular guy in school, Austin Ames. She runs back to her stepmother's diner before she knows she went to the dance and drops her phone on the way. Austin finds it and starts a search for his Cinderella.

A Cinderella Story Movie Reviews

I thought this movie was a funny and a romantic chick flick. Hilary Duff is one of my favorite actresses and she plays a perfect Sam in this movie. This movie is pretty predictable but still fun to watch. If your bored one day go to the video store and check this movie out. It is very interesting to watch from beginning to end. Chad Micheal Murray is a great Austin for this movie and has what it takes.I never get sick of watching this movie.Every character in this movie was the right pick.I'm so glad Hilary played Sam instead of somebody else.If you are not interested in this movie, at least give it a chance! From a scale 1-10 i give this movie a 8. Two thumbs up!

(500) Days of Summer Full Movie Download

An offbeat romantic comedy about a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man who falls for her. 

Director: Marc Webb

Writers: Scott Neustadter, Michael H. Weber

Stars: Zooey Deschanel, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Geoffrey Arend

After it looks as if she's left his life for good this time, Tom Hansen reflects back on the just over one year that he knew Summer Finn. For Tom, it was love at first sight when she walked into the greeting card company where he worked, she the new administrative assistant. Soon, Tom knew that Summer was the woman with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life. Although Summer did not believe in relationships or boyfriends - in her assertion, real life will always ultimately get in the way - Tom and Summer became more than just friends. Through the trials and tribulations of Tom and Summer's so-called relationship, Tom could always count on the advice of his two best friends, McKenzie and Paul. However, it is Tom's adolescent sister, Rachel, who is his voice of reason. After all is said and done, Tom is the one who ultimately has to make the choice to listen or not.

(500) Days of Summer Movie Reviews

I don't regularly comment on movies, but this has a personal accord with me.

My girlfriend of one year broke up with me the day before I went to watch this film, as promised.

That being said, Tom (Joseph Gordon Levit) embodies my apathy and frustration in every mannerism. He allows the audience to feel his pain and disappointment. Tom is a man with boyish ideals, coming to terms with the grief of rejection. He teaches her how one loves, yet she never learns to except and give as selflessly. Probably because, as I and Tom have painfully learned, you can't teach or bequile someone as you would a child into doing love 'properly.' And sometimes, true love dies, and no sea of tears can change that.

Summer, played by Zooey Deschanel, is fun, beautiful and selfish. Undoubtedly the villain, the film seeks a reversal of standards; the male is now being preyed upon.

Is Tom naive? or is Summer a cruel and self interested girl?

The only thing that really bothered me was the director's incessant need to punctuate scenes of emotional substance with cliché romantic comedy relief. He already broke custom, why conform?

50 First Dates Full Movie Download

Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment up until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams, until he discovers she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the very next day.

Director: Peter Segal

Writer: George Wing

Stars: Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, Rob Schneider

Henry Roth lives in a Hawaiian paradise with the company of endless women with no strings attached. This is until he meets Lucy Whitmore. Both Henry and Lucy enjoy the company of each other and feel the start of a serious relationship occurring. Approaching Lucy the next day, Henry is confused when Lucy fails to recognize him. This is the moment Henry discovers that Lucy actually suffers from short term memory loss and can't remember each individual day. Henry won't let this stop him and is prepared to make her fall in love with him all over again, each and every day.

50 FIRST DATES Movie Reviews
Okay, so "50 First Dates" is mostly silly, but they do a good job with it. Honolulu veterinarian Henry Roth (Adam Sandler) falls for Lucy Whitmore (Drew Barrymore), only to find out that, due to an accident, her memory only lasts one day, so she won't remember him the next day! How will Henry cope with this? The movie gravitates between goofy and sensitive, but never gets mind-numbing; Adam Sandler always has something up his sleeve, and he and Barrymore have a great time with the material. As is often the case in Adam Sandler's movies, one of the characters is an embarrassment to everyone else (in this case, it's Rob Schneider as Henry's whacked-out friend Ula). Great fun.

Oh, and one more thing: don't watch "50 First Dates" if you haven't seen "The Sixth Sense" first.

27 Dresses Full Movie Download

After serving as a bridesmaid 27 times, a young woman wrestles with the idea of standing by her sister's side as her sibling marries the man she's secretly in love with.

Director: Anne Fletcher

Writer: Aline Brosh McKenna

Stars: Katherine Heigl, James Marsden, Malin Akerman

Two things about Jane: she never says no to her friends (she's been a bridesmaid 27 times and selflessly plans friends' weddings), and she's in love with her boss, George, nurturing dreams of a lovely, romantic wedding of her own. She meets Kevin, a cynical writer who finds her attractive, and that same week her flirtatious younger sister Tess comes to town. Jane silently watches George fall for Tess, a manipulative pretender. Worse, Jane may be called upon to plan their wedding. Meanwhile, Kevin tries to get Jane's attention and has an idea that may advance his career. Can Jane uncork her feelings?

27 Dresses Movie Reviews
It only took about five seconds for me to know that no man (or at least no straight man) had anything to do with this film creatively. I know it is not meant for straight men, but watching this with my wife was pure agony.

Yes it is predictable, yes it is unoriginal and unfunny, yes the dialogue is stilted and unrealistic, yes it's cliché, but all of that's to be expected. My biggest complaint with this film is the character played by James Marsden.

So this guy who is supposedly into women actually notices she has a collection of dresses?? then he wants to see her try them all on??? of course he has a sad past that comes up, and how does he get cheered up? By shopping???? Oh, and that sad back-story, he was betrayed by his wife so he decides he hates the concept of marriage rather than the woman herself. How about the fact that his life seems to revolve around this up-coming wedding?? And then, after smattering the name of the bride in a popular news paper (that we're supposed to believe would run such a pointless story) -- going as far as calling the bride-to-be "bridezilla", he actually gets invited to another wedding party where the oh-so-predictable scene where the lovers come together takes place.

This has to be one of the best examples of bad film writing I've come across. I can't even recommend this as a date movie because if the female you're with has any sense she'll find it really stupid as well.

13 Going on 30 Full Movie Download

A 13 year old girl plays a game on her 13th birthday and wakes up the next day as a 30 year old woman.

Director: Gary Winick 
Writers:   Josh Goldsmith, Cathy Yuspa

Stars:      Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo, Judy Greer


After total humiliation at her thirteenth birthday party, Jenna Rink wants to just hide until she's thirty. Thanks to some wishing dust, Jenna's prayer has been answered. With a knockout body, a dream apartment, a fabulous wardrobe, an athlete boyfriend, a dream job, and superstar friends, this can't be a better life. Unfortunetly, Jenna realizes that this is not what she wanted. The only one that she needs is her childhood best friend, Matt, a boy that she thought destroyed her party. But when she finds him, he's a grown up, and not the same person that she knew.

13 Going on 30 Movie Reviews

Jennifer Garner plays Jenna, a 13-year-old girl who makes a wish to become older, and she finds herself thrust forward 17 years into the body of a gorgeous 30-year-old executive. Trying to discover what happened, she gets back in touch with her old high school friends, who've all lived 17 years of life, while she is still just a girl in the body of a woman.

The plot is obviously similar to the movie Big and all the critics have already bothered to point that out. While 13 Going on 30 isn't as good or engaging as Big, it's still a decent film with a nice message. The movie works a lot better than it should because of Jennifer Garner. She's funny and she has a great personality. It also helps that she's having fun in the role and it's so hard to actually hate her because she plays a very likable character. Mark Ruffalo gives an okay performance, he was a little dull though. I don't think comedy is his best genre. There are also some fun performances from Andy Serkis and Judy Greer.

The film was too cheesy and silly for me at times. For example, there was this one scene where Jennifer Garner is at a sleepover with all these little thirteen year old girls and she's telling them about her kissing experiences. After she does this, they all get up and start dancing. It was just so cheesy and annoying though girls will probably love that part. The movie is also pretty predictable. If you have seen the preview then you should know how things will end. The movie is pretty simple yet still entertaining. It's also a lot better than other similar films like Chasing Liberty and The Prince and Me. In the end, 13 Going on 30 is a decent, charming chick flick that should appeal to it's target audience.

10 Things I Hate About You Full Movie Download

A new kid must find a guy to date the meanest girl in school, the older sister of the girl he has a crush on, who cannot date until her older sister does.

Director:  Gil Junger
Writers: Karen McCullah, Kirsten Smith
Stars: Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Adapted from William Shakespeare's play "The Taming of the Shrew," 10 Things I Hate About You starts off with Cameron, new student at Padua High, sitting in the office of the quirky guidance counselor Ms. Perky. He is then shown around the school by Michael, who will become his best friend. During his tour is when Cameron first sees Bianca Stratford, a beautiful sophomore with one problem: she isn't allowed to date. And neither is her "shrew" sister, Katarina, a senior who loves indie rock and feminist prose and hates conformity. But Kat and Bianca's father alters his house rule: now, Bianca can date... as long as Kat has a date, too. Now, in order for Cameron to date Bianca, he has to find someone to date Kat. So Michael helps him enlist the help of pretty-boy/jerk/model Joey Donner, tricking him into thinking that *he* will get to take Bianca out if he pays someone to take out Kat. His choice: Patrick Verona, a bad-boy with a mysterious reputation--some say he ate a live duck once.
10 Things I Hate About You Movie Reviews

When hiring this movie was first suggested I turned up my nose at it. I thought, another teenagers flick where the hottest guy in school has to appreciate a lesser unpopular chick etc etc etc. Since seeing it it has enterred my all time favourites list. Any old somebody can take the formula of The Taming of the Shrue and put it into a school yard, and any old somebody can avoid cle she's in the finer details, coming up with decent alternatives is the hard part, whatever they did here works like clockwork. I would easily give it the best teen flick mantle.

Firstly, the acting is perfect, the roles are not overly demanding but Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger play this to perfection. The supporting cast is great aswell, there is not a soul that doesn't contribute to the perfection of it all. Realism is neither what they were really going for nor what makes the movie. The language and vocabulary of these kids is phenominal, words like, Vapid, Pensive, Hanus, Tempestuous, Miscreants. There are lots of words like these throughout the movie. It is the thing that does the most to enable adult enjoyment.

For once they avoided the school bully theme, the bad guy in this is just a model who the chicks like and some of the guys hang with and alot of others just realize he is a fool. The recessive geek role is this time given a lot more credibility, he is given the majority of the genuinely witty one liners and finds a soul mate for himself, instead of them just making it a joke that he stays a joke. There are a few parts you can really cheer in, you have to watch it to appreciate them. There is truly never a dull moment.

The best quote of the whole movie would have to be "it's just an excuse for all the nerds at our school to rub up against each other to distract themselves from the pathetic emptiness of their meaningless consumer driven lives" that pretty much sums up the purpose of teen parties these days. For once you actually identify with the "bitch" role in this, both she and the guy that is falsely pursuing her take a backward step, usually when it comes time for the leading man to apolagise for his deceit you really cant believe him after they have focused for so long on his efforts, this time for some reason you do, it fits straight into the story. There is another half to that situation here as well but I wont disclose, it is probably the best bit of the movie.

And the last major point is that this time the father character is a hell of alot stronger than before, if that had been weak so would the rest of the movie have been, but he is not. He has a reason for being there and you identify with him as well. It is clear to see they were making the characters all strong in their own right and stronger than the actual story.

To sum it all up the characters, story and acting are all perfect, adults can enjoy this one as well, also because the main relationships are more stable and adult than the unpredictability of true teenage relationships, if they can be called such. So here is the count.