On a flight from Los Angeles to New York, Oliver and Emily make a connection, only to decide that they are poorly suited to be together.
Director: Nigel Cole
Writer: Colin Patrick Lynch
Stars: Ashton Kutcher, Amanda Peet, Taryn Manning
While flying from Los Angeles to New York, the "good boy" Oliver Martin meets the "bad girl" Emily Friehl and they have sex in the restroom. They stay together along the day in New York, when Oliver discloses the planning of his life - his future career, successful job and then raising a family. He gives the phone number of his mother to Emily and asks her to call six years later to check. For seven years, they occasionally meet each other, and in the end, their relationship becomes love.
A Lot Like Love Movie Reviews
From the majority of other comments written about this film, it would seem that there are a lot of bitter, cynical people out there.
I watched this film last night with my wife and we both loved it - we laughed a lot, and thought the 2 main characters perfectly complimented each other - their chemistry was wonderful and utterly endearing, and you actually gave a sh*t about what happened to them.
Maybe I'm a sucker for a good romantic comedy, but I'm astounded by the negative comments posted on this site. Some posts criticise the dialogue, but, well, isn't that just how people actually speak? I generally do not give out lengthy monologues re: my emotional state, and can appreciate a movie that deals in real language. It doesn't make the film any less appealing or worthwhile.
Go and see it with an open mind and, if you have a heart, then you'll love it.
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